Webinar - Child Poverty and Climate Change — Global Coalition to End Child Poverty

Webinar - Child Poverty and Climate Change

Child Poverty and Climate Change - A Disproportionate Burden

Event Date: 12th December 2023, Time: 8:00 AM

Recordings available here and slides here.

Background: The climate crisis is not a distant risk but is already threatening children’s rights and their well-being here and now. Children born today face much higher climate risks than those from previous generations. As this recent report by the Global Coalition to End Child Poverty shows, children living in poverty are not only more exposed to climate risks, they are also more likely to suffer harm once a climate shock hits and have fewer coping mechanisms.. Both the direct impacts of climate shocks, including the destruction of livelihoods and basic services, as well as the indirect ones, such as reduced spending on education, healthcare and food inevitably affects children´s long-term development outcomes and human capital.

This webinar aims to explore the linkages between climate change and child poverty and discuss policy options to protect children living in poverty and their families against climate risks.


  • David Lambert Tumwesigye, Co-chair, Global Coalition to End Child Poverty

  • Sola Engilbertsdottir, Co-chair, Global Coalition to End Child Poverty


  • Oliver Fiala, Senior Research Adviser, Save the Children UK

  • Charlotte Bilo, Child Poverty and Social Protection Consultant, UNICEF

  • Yukiko Yamada Morovic, Technical Director, Environmental Sustainability and Climate Action, World Vision International

  • Daniel Gerszon Mahler, Economist, Development Data Group, World Bank


Global Coalition to End Child Poverty (2023). A Disproportionate Burden: Children in Poverty Bearing the Brunt of the Climate Crisis
