Children in Poverty — Global Coalition to End Child Poverty



Ending poverty has become a defining goal for this generation, one that we all aspire to achieve and want to contribute to. But sadly, the reality is children remain disproportionally affected. Millions of children around the world remain poor, and deprived of what they need to develop and thrive.

We need to change this. We are calling on people and leaders around the world to take action to end child poverty as part of the SDGs.



Child mortality is declining across the globe. However, children from the poorest quintile are twice as likely to die before their fifth birthday as children from richest households.

Globally 1.9 billion people in 136 countries benefit from social protection programs, but only one thrid of the world’s poor are covered.

Adolescence is a time of special opportunity and vulnerability, especially for adolescent girls. Poverty and gender discrimination can draw girls to marry early, with long term consequences for many.

Stunting is a key indicator for poverty. 159 million children under five suffer from stunted growth, roughly one half live in Asia and one third in Africa.

Children living in multidimensional poverty are burdened by multiple and overlapping forms of deprivation in crucial aspects of their lives.

The main reason why children start work instead of attending school is because their families are poor and cannot pay the basic costs of food and housing without additional income.

More children than ever are enrolling in primary school, but some 59 million boys and girls are still missing out on their right to primary school education.

Clean water, basic toilets and good hygiene practices are essential for the survival and development of children. Without these basic needs, the lives of millions of children are at risk.

An estimated 76.5 million children are living in relative poverty in the world's most affluent countries, showing that child poverty is a universal challenge to sustianble development.

Investing in young children is one of the smartest investments a country can make to break the cycle of poverty and promote inclusive and strong economies.

Poverty and disability reinforce each other, contributing to increased vulnerability and exclusion.


Poverty hits children hardest


Whilst poverty harms all human beings, it is more threatening to children. Childhood is a time of unique opportunity and vulnerability, and experiencing poverty in its various dimensions can be particularly damaging to a child’s development.

Children growing up in poverty are much more likely to die before their 5th birthday, and less likely to be well nourished, or receive a good education, basic healthcare or clean water and decent sanitation.

Poverty denies children of their right to grow up free from deprivation and want, and develop healthily to their full potential.




We know children are key to ending global poverty, and yet they remain disproportionally affected. Nearly one in every two people living in extreme poverty around the world is 18 years old or less.

Child poverty isn’t just a problem in poor countries. In every country with available data children are most likely to be poor. Even in the world’s richest countries, children remain disproportionally concentrated among the poor.

Child poverty is an issue that faces all societies, and must bind us, globally.

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Put children first

The good news is that we have already cut extreme poverty by more than half since 1990, and made crucial progress in reducing child malnutrition, expanding education, and providing many children with basic health care, safe drinking water and basic sanitation.

But this is not enough. Many children continue to be born and grow up in poverty in its different dimensions, whilst alarming disparities persist, with the poorest children furthest behind.

We need to change this. Lifting children out of poverty will make a huge difference to their lives, and those of the families, communities, and countries in which they live.


Support the fight to end child poverty

We all have a role to play, please spread the word to help #ENDchildpoverty in all its forms