Webinar - The New Poor — Global Coalition to End Child Poverty

Webinar - The New Poor

The New Poor – the changing profiles of children in poverty

Event Date: 29th May 2024, Time: 8:00 AM EDT (UTC-4)

For the recordings see here and for the presentations here.

Background: In a world increasingly characterized by fragility and shocks, it is important to rapidly evaluate and understand the changing profiles of children living in poverty, to expand our awareness and understanding of these changing patterns and their policy implications.

This webinar aims to explore the profiles of children who have been pushed (further) into poverty due to a crisis, specifically examining the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic as well as the climate crisis. To achieve this, research from different country contexts will be showcased, including Bangladesh, Georgia, and Uganda.


  • David Lambert Tumwesigye, Co-chair, Global Coalition to End Child Poverty

  • Sola Engilbertsdottir, Co-chair, Global Coalition to End Child Poverty


  • Alessandro Carraro, Social and Economic Policy Specialist, UNICEF Innocenti – Global Office of Research and Foresight

  • Charlotte Bilo, Child Poverty and Social Protection Consultant, UNICEF HQ

  • Niranjan Nampoothiri, Research Officer, Institute of Development Studies

  • Kath Ford, Senior Policy Officer, Young Lives

Papers presented during the webinar:


  • Answers from the speakers to the questions raised by audience in the chat

Other relevant resources:
