International Day for the Eradication of Poverty — Global Coalition to End Child Poverty

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

IDEP 2023 - Ending child poverty: the role of social protection, care systems and decent work

Event Date: 17th October 2023, Time: 9:00 AM EDT

See the recordings here and the presentations here.

Background: A staggering 333 million children live in extreme poverty, struggling to survive on less than $2.15 per day, and more than 800 million children subsist below a poverty line of $3.65 per day. Beyond income metrics of poverty, half of the people in multidimensional poverty (MPI) are children even if their share of the global population is only around 30 percent. About one billion children are deprived of their basic rights and needs in areas such as health, nutrition, education, water, sanitation and housing.  

Two critical policy levers for tackling, reducing and ending child poverty are i) the expansion of inclusive social protection, including child benefits and parental leave, and ii) enabling access to decent work for adults. It is therefore timely that the theme of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP) for 2023 touches upon these key points, namely: Decent Work and Social Protection – Putting Dignity in Practice.

Objective: The aim of this event organized by the Global Coalition to End Child Poverty on IDEP 2023 is i) to launch a Call-To-Action that calls on Governments, businesses and the international community to expand social protection and care systems and promote decent work for adults to address child poverty and ii) to show advances but also remaining gaps in related social protection and care policies across the world. 

Moderator: David Lambert Tumwesigye, Global Policy & Advocacy Lead for Child Poverty, Save the Children and Co-chair, Global Coalition to End Child Poverty

Opening Remarks: Natalia Winder Rossi, Global Director of Social Policy and Social Protection, UNICEF


  • Meshell Whyte, ATD 4th World Activist

  • Jennifer Yablonski, Chief of Child Poverty and Social Protection, UNICEF

  • Christina Behrendt, Head of Social Policy Unit, ILO
