Ending Child Poverty: A Policy Agenda — Global Coalition to End Child Poverty

Ending Child Poverty: A Policy Agenda

Ending Child Poverty: A Policy Agenda

Event Date and Time: 17 October 2022, 09:00 - 10:00 am EDT

Register here: uni.cf/3RLFuB3

Register here to join us on 17 October, 9:00 – 10:00 am EDT to commemorate the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.  

The Global Coalition to End Child Poverty is launching a policy agenda to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals to end extreme child poverty and reduce multidimensional child poverty by half, the core agenda includes: 

  1. Build national support by making child poverty reduction an explicit national priority in national budgets, policies, and laws, and ensuring that child poverty is measured and routinely monitored.

  2. Expand child-sensitive social protection, including universal child benefits, to reduce child poverty directly and support the effectiveness of other policies and basic service provisions for children.

  3. Improve access to quality public services, especially for the poorest children, including access to quality health and education services. Ensuring these services reach the poorest and most excluded children through proactive measures is an important strategy to reduce child poverty.

  4. Promote decent work and inclusive growth agenda to reach families and children in poverty, including specific interventions for families with children and for poor and disadvantaged young people as they enter the labour market.

A diverse set of countries will showcase national policies and strategies to reduce child poverty, how they have come about, and the lesson learned from the implementation of these policies, including in Bangladesh, Ghana, Kenya, Spain, and the United States.


Albert Arcarons, Deputy Director in the High Commissioner Against Child Poverty, Spain

Aminu Sulemana, Senior Planning and Statistician Officer with the Planning, Budgeting Monitoring, and Evaluation of the Ministry of Education, Ghana

Danilo Trisi, Director of Poverty and Inequality Research, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, The United States

Md. Monowar Hossain, Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Bangladesh  

Peter Ombasa, Assistant Director for Children’s Services in the State Department for Social Protection, Senior Citizens Affairs, and Special Programmes, Kenya

Moderation: UNICEF and Save the Children on behalf of the Coalition
