Child Sensitive Graduation Programming — Global Coalition to End Child Poverty

Child Sensitive Graduation Programming


Child Sensitive Graduation Programming: A Guidance Brief for Country Offices

Graduation programmes consist of targeting poor households with a combination of layered and sequenced interventions, often over a defined period of time, in order to facilitate the achievement of strengthened and sustainable livelihoods.

To ‘graduate’, a household needs to meet a criteria that indicate their livelihood strategies can secure a level of income sustainably, in addition to meeting a set of conditions that will protect their livelihoods from stresses that could result in a slippage back into poverty.

This guidance paper provides an overview of Graduation Programming for Country Offices, including;

  1. Definitions and outcomes

  2. Examples from Save the Children programming

  3. Technical components

  4. Measuring outcomes

  5. Ensuring child sensitivity

Child Sensitive Graduation Cover.jpg

Publisher: Save the Children

Publication Year: 2019

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